April 02, 2013

Last push for endorsements!

Here is the Endorsement Form for all animal-related groups and  businesses. Feel free to print out and mail to us or email back. The support in the community for this ban has been tremendous. Thank you so much! It is not too late if you haven't yet completed your form. Do it now and you will be counted with all of those who are standing for a San Diego Ban that will stop puppy mills in our city!


Attention: veterinarians, pet stores, rescues, groomers, pet sitters, dog trainers, etc. Please help to stop inhumane and cruel industry of puppy mills. Endorsements are being gathered to show the City Council and the Mayor the support for an ordinance in the City of San Diego.

Please endorse the following ban on the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in San Diego pet stores. Complete the form below and return it to the San Diego Animal Defense Team address below or email the requested information. If your organization can't endorse this but you personally can, check the line.

List any resources or actions you can offer to help pass this ordinance in 2013 (money, post flyers, speak at City Council meetings, etc.)
Please contact us for a draft of the ordinance or any questions.


We are requesting the City of San Diego and Mayor Bob Filner to ban the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores in the City of San Diego.


Contact Person:________________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Information (email, address phone):_______________________________________________________________________



Thank you!
The San Diego Animal Defense Team

San Diego Animal Defense Team

864 N. Second St. #114
El Cajon, CA 92021

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